Based on the knowledge that we generate in municipalities and departments, we bring to the National Government evidence, problems and gaps that exist throughout the circular economy process to contribute to public policy and improve its structuring.
Where we do it
and how we work it
We develop tools to evaluate our allies and associates’ sustainability management. This way, we identify improvement opportunities, stimulate decision making and help overcome challenges related to the implementation of a circular economy model.
We accompany the construction of collaborative models of circularity that enable the fulfillment of its legal and corporate goals related to the use of waste, decarbonization, sustainable, inclusive and socially responsible supply chains; efficiently and replicable through data-based knowledge management.
Through them we empower action in regions that promote the construction of formal businesses and determine
an integrated action for the benefit of the installed capacity that the country needs.
Based on the understanding of your needs, we support you with the chaining of larger projects, so that your business makes sense and is connected.
Organizations of recyclers and professional recyclers
Producers and transformers
International cooperation
We are implementers of resources to achieve impact results in climate action, climate change, circular economy, closing gaps, creating green jobs, reducing carbon emissions and action for the oceans. We implement initiatives and help guide investment according to the objectives set.
We accompany the formalization, formation, and skill development processes. This way, we acknowledge the historical contribution of recyclers to the proper functioning of circular economy.
Through a wide range of initiatives, we articulate ourselves with recyclers’ organizations to construct our country’s installed capacity.
Asociación de Recicladores Fenaciclar Barranquilla – Asociación de Recicladores Fenaciclar Cartagena – Corporación de Recuperadores Ambientales de la Costa Todos por una Ciudad Limpia – Asociación de Recicladores Universal – Asociación de Recicladores del Caribe ECARS – Asociación de Recuperadores NATURA – ECORECUPERAMOS S.A.S – Asociación Metropolitana de Recicladores – Asociación de Recicladores Revivir Caribe – Cooperativa Multiactiva de Recicladores Renacer – Asociación de Recicladores del Magdalena y de Colombia – Cooperativa de Recicladores para la Preservación del Medio Ambiente Colombiano – Asociación de Recicladores Basura Cero Santa Marta ESP – Asociación Estación de Clasificación y Aprovechamiento Centro de Acopio Cartagena Amigable – Cooperativa Ambiental de Aseo y Reciclaje El Pozón – Fundación Hacia un Mundo Sostenible – Corporación Recicladora Reciclar – Precooperativa Multiactiva Prestadora de Servicios Públicos de Aseo en la Actividad de Aprovechamiento de Residuos Sólidos – Asociación de Recuperadores Punto Verde – Asociación de Recicladores Devolver – Asociación Alianza Aprovechamiento Inclusivo Centro Occidente – Fundación Alianzas Ambientales del Caribe – Asociación Integral de Recicladores Ecológicos Aire Urbano ESP – Asociación de Recicladores de Cajicá – Asociación de Líderes del Reciclaje en Separación Transporte Conectación de Clasificación y Aprovechamiento Supereca – Asociación de Recuperadores Mundo Verde – Asociación de Recicladores Barranquilla Limpia y Viva ASOBALIVA – ECOBARU S.A.S – Recicla por Cartagena ESP S.A.S – Asociación de Recicladores de Bicentenario (ASOREBIC) – Asociación Nacional de Recuperadores Ambientales – Asociación de Recicladores de Oficio Rc Reciclosocial- Asociación de Recicladores Reciclando por Colombia ESP
CEMPRE is an organization that works on circular economy, never losing sight that their actions must be guided by self-awareness and the capacities of their allies.