
to recycle

Start date: 06/11/2020

End date: 12/31/2020

General Objective: a digital tool that, based on their location, allows main waste productors to locate the closest recyclers’ organizations. This way, through the platform, they can interact and arrange a periodical waste recollection.

Type of project: web development, communication, and education

Strategic Objective: promote allied industries’ transition towards circular economy through knowledge.

Public target: residues’ generators, recyclers’ communities, regional authorities, and companies.


Even though the country’s progress in terms of waste management and circular economy is commendable, there’s still unawareness of existing national initiatives regarding these matters. In response to this, CEMPRE created “Dónde reciclo” (Where to Recycle), an app that brings together civilians, enterprises, recyclers, and the government, to work together in the construction of a sustainable world.

Iniciative’s objectives:

  • Facilitate citizens’ understanding of waste sorting and recycling.
  • Connect users with the recycling chain (recyclers’ organizations) by providing information about pickup routes and sites for special residues’ disposal (using georeference). 
  • Bring to light CEMPRE’s programs throughout national territory. 
  • Improve waste collectors’ (cooperatives and associations) management, guiding them towards a more profitable and efficient operation model.


With the past of time, more people acknowledge the repercussions of their actions and look for ways to help the planet. Because of that, this app helps them find reliable information to guide their actions to benefit the environment.

Through Donde Reciclo, the process of waste sorting at home is brought home by helping users understand how it is done, where must those residues be taken and who is involved in the process. All of this is taught in an easy, fun and didactic way, hoping to encourage people to restructure their actions in order to generate less residues and adopt better habits.


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